Group Presentation

The "Computer Vision Group" is formed by research staff from the LSI and the ICC departaments of the University Jaume I. The Group was born in the early nineties, it has been leading and developing different projects in the fields of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. In addition to the research activities, the Group has its own organization and management for technology transfer and contact with industry, eVIS, Visual Engineyeria, having extensive industrial contacts in the local area. Some of the "Computer Vision Group" main collaborators are listed through this link. The "Computer Vision Group" is also committed to research training activities, having a "Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition" modul within the Master's Degree in Intelligent Systems for postgraduates and doctoral studies.

The "Computer Vision Group" main current areas of interest are colour and multi-spectral image processing, visual motion analysis, active vision, statistical pattern recognition and 3D data acquisition and processing with applications to fields like visual inspection, visual surveillance, medical imaging, autonomous robots, among others.

Contact information

Phones: +34 964 72 83 59 (Laboratory)
              +34 964 72 83 48

Fax: +34 964 72 84 35

Postal address
Computer Vision Group
Lab. TI 2214 DL
Universitat Jaume I
Av. de Vicent Sos Baynat, s/n
12071 Castelló de la Plana

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